Art Lures Ingredients:
Doses for One Bait:
Doses for One Bait:
Prendete della balsa, un pizzico di cellulose cement, aggiungete estro e manualità, fondete due menti creative, una conoscenza accurata degli ambienti di pesca, mescolate e lasciate riposare per un mese.
Take the Balsa Wood, a pich of cellulose cement,add flair and dexterity, founded two creative minds, an accurate knowledge of fishing spot, stir and let sit for a month.
Pochi ingredienti e molto talento per questa produzione proveniente dal paese dei Sakura, Jiro Yamasawa insieme al amico Yukihiro Takahashi creano esche per la pesca in acque dolci e per l’acque salate, trote e suzuki sono i destinatari del loro lavoro. Questi lavori in balsa, curati nei minimi particolari sono piccole opere d’arte, i tempi di produzione per ogni singolo pezzo possono superare il mese di lavoro, niente è lasciato al caso è il risultato finale come potete vedere è di altissimo livello.
Very few ingredients and talent for this production from the sakura's country, Jiro Yamasawa along with friend Yukihiro Takahashi create a bait for freshwater fishing and for saltwater. Trouts and Susuki are the recipients of their work. This balsa lure, furnished areas are small works of art, production time for eache pice may exceed the month's work, nothins is left to change is the final result as you can see is the highest level.
Na.Craft, dove la sigla iniziale sta per Nature ma anche per Narayama Akita, città natale del fondatore, nasce nel 2001 dalla passione di Yama e Yuki per la pesca alle Trote (Yamame) e alla spigola (Suzuki). Due pescatori accaniti che alla mia domanda, “quale è la vostra giornata ideale di pesca?” rispondono: Qualunque, basta stare a contatto con l’acqua.
Na.Craft, where the opening theme is the Nature but also for Narayama Akita, birthplace of the founder, was founded in 2001 by Yuki and Yama for the passion of yamama fishing (trouts) and suzuky (seabass). Two avid fishermen that at my questions, "what is your ideal day of fishing?" Aswner:
"Whatever, just keep in contact with water!"
Na.Craft, where the opening theme is the Nature but also for Narayama Akita, birthplace of the founder, was founded in 2001 by Yuki and Yama for the passion of yamama fishing (trouts) and suzuky (seabass). Two avid fishermen that at my questions, "what is your ideal day of fishing?" Aswner:
"Whatever, just keep in contact with water!"
La Na.Craft Handmade Lures produce anche dei guadini per la pesca alle trote, anche questi come le vari esche sono curati nei minimi particolari.
The Na.Craft Handmade Lures also produces landing nets for the trout fishing, this works like their baits are treated in every details.
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Na.Craft Site |
RispondiEliminaAwesome list! I was wondering if you would be adding the new Penn Clash?
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RispondiEliminaThis is really a great post and your collections are cool! I would love to get one lures for me.